Jiwaji University is having access to 908 Wiley Online Journals via Wiley Online Library

WILEY ONLINE LIBRARY is one of the world’s most extensive multidisciplinary collections of online resource with over 4 million articles from 1,600 journals, 21,000 books, and hundreds of multi-volume reference works, laboratory protocols and databases.

Please find below the list of 908 Wiley Online Journals accessible to Jiwaji University via Wiley Online Library, classified into subject categories 

Subject Type Title (Search within this list below by typing your keywords in above box)
Adult & Continuing EducationJournalNew Directions for Adult and Continuing Education
Agricultural Economics & Resource ManagementJournalAgribusiness : an International Journal
Agricultural Economics & Resource ManagementJournalAgricultural Economics
Agricultural Economics & Resource ManagementJournalCanadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie
Agricultural Economics & Resource ManagementJournalEuroChoices
Agricultural Economics & Resource ManagementJournalJournal of Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Economics & Resource ManagementJournalThe Australian Journal of Agricultural Resource Economics
Agriculture & EcologyJournalGrassland Science
American PoliticsJournalPresidential Studies Quarterly
American StudiesJournalThe Journal of American Culture
Analytic PhilosophyJournalAnalytic Philosophy (Electronic)
Analytic PhilosophyJournalRatio
Analytical ChemistryJournalElectroanalysis (Electronic)
Analytical ChemistryJournalLuminescence: The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence
Analytical ChemistryJournalPhytochemical Analysis
Anatomy & PhysiologyJournalAnatomia, Histologia, Embryologia - For printed EMLO copies only
Anatomy & PhysiologyJournalClinical Anatomy
Anatomy & PhysiologyJournalJournal of Bone and Mineral Research
Anatomy & PhysiologyJournalThe Anatomical Record
Animal BehaviorJournalEthology
Animal Breeding & GeneticsJournalAnimal Science Journal
Animal EcologyJournalJournal of Animal Ecology
Animal GeneticsJournalJournal of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Animal Science & ZoologyJournalActa Zoologica
Animal Science & ZoologyJournalIntegrative Zoology
Animal Science & ZoologyJournalJournal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
Animal Science & ZoologyJournalJournal of Zoology
Animal Science & ZoologyJournalMammal Review
Animal Science & ZoologyJournalZoo Biology
Animal Science MethodsJournalArchives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology
Animal Science MethodsJournalInvertebrate Biology
Animal Science MethodsJournalJournal of Field Ornithology
Animal Science MethodsJournalMarine Mammal Science
Anthropological Theory & Methods/EthnographyJournalAmerican Ethnologist
Anthropology of Art & MediaJournalMuseum Anthropology
Anthropology of Art & MediaJournalVisual Anthropology Review
Anthropology of Race, Ethnicity & IdentityJournalTransforming Anthropology
Anthropology of ReligionJournalAnthropology of Consciousness
Anthropology Special TopicsJournalAnthropology & Humanism
Anthropology Special TopicsJournalCulture, Agriculture, Food and Environment
Applied EcologyJournalJournal of Applied Ecology
Applied EthicsJournalJournal of Applied Philosophy
Applied LinguisticsJournalDie Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German
Applied LinguisticsJournalForeign Language Annals
Applied LinguisticsJournalInternational Journal of Applied Linguistics
Applied LinguisticsJournalLanguage Learning
Applied LinguisticsJournalModern Language Journal
Applied MathematicsJournalCommunications On Pure and Applied Mathematics
Applied MathematicsJournalNetworks: an International Journal
Applied MathematicsJournalStudies In Applied Mathematics
Applied MicrobiologyJournalJournal of Applied Microbiology
Applied MicrobiologyJournalLetters In Applied Microbiology
Applied Probability & StatisticsJournalInternational Statistical Review
Applied Probability & StatisticsJournalJournal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) (Electronic)
Applied Probability & StatisticsJournalJournal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) (Electronic)
Applied Probability & StatisticsJournalNaval Research Logistics
Applied Probability & StatisticsJournalScandinavian Journal of Statistics
Applied PsychologyJournalApplied Psychology
Applied PsychologyJournalApplied Psychology: Health and Well-Being
Applied Social PsychologyJournalJournal of Applied Social Psychology
Applied Social PsychologyJournalJournal of Community & Applied Social Psychology
Aquatic EcologyJournalAquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Arbitration & MediationJournalAlternatives to the High Cost of Litigation
Archaeological Methods & TheoryJournalArchaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association
Archaeological Methods & TheoryJournalArchaeometry
Art & Design EducationJournalInternational Journal of Art & Design Education
Art History & TheoryJournalArt History
Asian PoliticsJournalAsian Politics and Policy
Assessment, Evaluation & Research (Higher Education)JournalAssessment Update
Astronomy & AstrophysicsJournalAstronomische Nachrichten (Electronic)
Atmospheric SciencesJournalInternational Journal of Climatology
Atmospheric SciencesJournalQuarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Atmospheric SciencesJournalWeather
Atmospheric SciencesJournalWIREs Climate Change
AuditingJournalInternational Journal of Auditing
Batteries & Fuel CellsJournalFuel Cells (Electronic)
BiochemistryJournalWIREs RNA
Biochemistry (Chemical Biology)JournalElectrophoresis (Electronic)
Biochemistry (Chemical Biology)JournalJournal of Molecular Recognition
Biological AnthropologyJournalAmerican Journal of Physical Anthropology
Biological AnthropologyJournalInternational Journal of Osteoarchaeology
BiometricsJournalBiometrical Journal (Electronic)
Biomolecules (DNA, RNA, Peptides, etc.)JournalJournal of Peptide Science
Biomolecules (DNA, RNA, Peptides, etc.)JournalPeptide Science
Biotechnology (Life Sciences)JournalBiotechnology and Bioengineering
Biotechnology (Life Sciences)JournalBiotechnology Journal (Electronic)
Brain & Behavior: Physiological PsychologyJournalAggressive Behavior
Business & FinanceJournalMathematical Finance
Business & SocietyJournalBusiness and Society Review
Business EthicsJournalBusiness Ethics
Business Statistics & MathJournalApplied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
Business TechnologyJournalNew Technology, Work and Employment
Cell & Molecular BiologyJournalBioEssays
Cell & Molecular BiologyJournalCytometry Part A
Cell & Molecular BiologyJournalCytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry
Cell & Molecular BiologyJournalCytoskeleton
Cell & Molecular BiologyJournalGenes To Cells
Cell & Molecular BiologyJournalIUBMB Life
Cell & Molecular BiologyJournalPhotochemistry & Photobiology
Cell & Molecular BiologyJournalProteomics (Electronic)
Cell BiologyJournalPigment Cell & Melanoma Research
Cell Biology (Life Sciences)JournalJournal of Cellular Biochemistry
CeramicsJournalInternational Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology
CeramicsJournalInternational Journal of Applied Glass Science
CeramicsJournalJournal of the American Ceramic Society
Chemical KineticsJournalInternational Journal of Chemical Kinetics
ChildhoodJournalChild Abuse Review
ChildhoodJournalChildren & Society
Chromatography / Separation TechniquesJournalBiomedical Chromatography
Chromatography / Separation TechniquesJournalJournal of Separation Science, JSS (Electronic)
Chromatography / Separation TechniquesJournalSeparation Science Plus
Circuit Theory & DesignJournalElectronics and Communications in Japan
Civil LawJournalFamily Court Review
Civil LawJournalJuvenile and Family Court Journal
Clinical PsychologyJournalBehavioral Interventions
Clinical PsychologyJournalInternational Journal of Eating Disorders
Clinical PsychologyJournalJournal of Clinical Psychology
Clinical PsychologyJournalJournal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling
Clinical TrialsJournalPharmaceutical Statistics
Cognitive PsychologyJournalThe Journal of Creative Behavior
Cognitive ScienceJournalCognitive Science - A Multidisciplinary Journal
Cognitive ScienceJournalTopics in Cognitive Science
Cognitive ScienceJournalWIREs Cognitive Science Science
Commercial LawJournalAmerican Business Law Journal
Commercial LawJournalJournal of Legal Studies Education
Communication TechnologyJournalInternational Journal of Communication Systems
Communication TechnologyJournalInternational Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering
Communication TechnologyJournalMicrowave and Optical Technology Letters
Community CollegesJournalNew Directions for Community Colleges
Community Dentistry & Public HealthJournalEuropean Journal of Dental Education
Community Dentistry & Public HealthJournalJournal of Public Health Dentistry
Comparative Biology (Botany & Zoology)JournalAmerican Journal of Primatology
CompositesJournalPolymer Composites
Computational & Graphical StatisticsJournalWIREs Computational Statistics
Computational / Numerical MethodsJournalInternational Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
Computational / Numerical MethodsJournalInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Computational / Numerical MethodsJournalInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Computational / Numerical MethodsJournalInternational Jrnl for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Computational Chemistry & Molecular ModelingJournalJournal of Computational Chemistry
Computational Chemistry & Molecular ModelingJournalMolecular Informatics
Conservation ScienceJournalAnimal Conservation
Conservation ScienceJournalConservation Biology
Conservation ScienceJournalGlobal Change Biology
Conservation ScienceJournalJournal of Biogeography
Conservation ScienceJournalThe Journal of Wildlife Management
Conservation ScienceJournalWildlife Monographs
Conservation ScienceJournalWildlife Society Bulletin (Electronic)
Consumer BehaviorJournalJournal of Consumer Behaviour
Contemporary TheologyJournalDialog
Contemporary TheologyJournalModern Theology
Continental PhilosophyJournalEuropean Journal of Philosophy
Control Systems TechnologyJournalInternational Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Control Systems TechnologyJournalInternational Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Control Systems TechnologyJournalOptimal Control Applications and Methods
Corporate FinanceJournalJournal of Business Finance & Accounting
Corporate FinanceJournalJournal of Corporate Accounting & Finance
Corporate GovernanceJournalCorporate Governance
CorrosionJournalMaterials and Corrosion/Werkstoffe und Korrosion (Electronic)
Creativity & Innovation ManagementJournalCreativity and Innovation Management
Creativity & Innovation ManagementJournalThe Journal of Product Innovation Management
CriminologyJournalCriminology and Public Policy
CrystallographyJournalActa crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances
CrystallographyJournalActa crystallographica Section F Structural Biology Communications
CrystallographyJournalActa Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials
CrystallographyJournalActa Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry
CrystallographyJournalActa Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology
CrystallographyJournalJournal of Applied Crystallography
CrystallographyJournalJournal of Synchrotron Radiation
Cultural Studies GeneralJournalThe German Quarterly
Cultural Studies GeneralJournalThe Russian Review
Data AnalysisJournalStatistical Analysis and Data Mining
Decision SciencesJournalDecision Sciences
Decision SciencesJournalDecision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
Decision SciencesJournalJournal of Behavioral Decision Making
Decision SciencesJournalJournal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
Dental Hygiene & TherapyJournalInternational Journal of Dental Hygiene
Dental TraumatologyJournalDental Traumatology
Dentistry Special TopicsJournalSpecial Care In Dentistry
Design History & TheoryJournalDesign Management Journal
Design History & TheoryJournalDesign Management Review
Developmental BiologyJournalDevelopmental Dynamics
Developmental BiologyJournalGenesis: The Journal of Genetics and Development
Developmental BiologyJournalMolecular Reproduction & Development
Developmental BiologyJournalWIREs Developmental Biology
Developmental PsychologyJournalDevelopmental Psychobiology
Developmental PsychologyJournalDevelopmental Science
Developmental PsychologyJournalInfant and Child Development
Developmental PsychologyJournalJournal of Research On Adolescence
Developmental PsychologyJournalSocial Development
Differential EquationsJournalNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Discrete MathematicsJournalRandom Structures & Algorithms
Ecology & Organismal BiologyJournalAfrican Journal of Ecology
Ecology & Organismal BiologyJournalApplied Vegetation Science
Ecology & Organismal BiologyJournalAustral Ecology
Ecology & Organismal BiologyJournalEcological Management & Restoration
Ecology & Organismal BiologyJournalEcology of Freshwater Fish
Ecology & Organismal BiologyJournalEcology Letters
Ecology & Organismal BiologyJournalFreshwater Biology
Ecology & Organismal BiologyJournalFunctional Ecology
Ecology & Organismal BiologyJournalGlobal Ecology and Biogeography
Ecology & Organismal BiologyJournalJournal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology
Ecology & Organismal BiologyJournalJournal of Vegetation Science
Ecology & Organismal BiologyJournalMarine Ecology
Ecology & Organismal BiologyJournalOikos
EconometricsJournalJournal of Applied Econometrics
Economic & Applied GeologyJournalJournal of Petroleum Geology
Economic & Applied GeologyJournalResource Geology
Economic & Political AnthropologyJournalAnthropology of Work Review
Economic & Political AnthropologyJournalPoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review
Economic DevelopmentJournalReview of Development Economics
Economic DevelopmentJournalThe Developing Economies
Economic HistoryJournalAustralian Economic History Review
Economic HistoryJournalEconomic History Review
Economic HistoryJournalThe American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Economic TheoryJournalInternational Journal of Economic Theory
Economic TheoryJournalMetroeconomica
Ecotoxicology & Pollution ScienceJournalEnvironmental Toxicology & Chemistry
Ecotoxicology & Pollution ScienceJournalIntegrated Environmental Assessment and Management
Educational & School PsychologyJournalMind, Brain, and Education
Educational & School PsychologyJournalPsychology in the Schools
Educational LinguisticsJournalTESOL Journal
Educational LinguisticsJournalTESOL Quarterly
Educational Research & StatisticsJournalEducational Measurement: Issues and Practice
Educational Research & StatisticsJournalJournal of Educational Measurement
Educational Research & StatisticsJournalNew Directions for Institutional Research
Electrical Engineering - DisplaysJournalJournal of the Society for Information Display
EmbryologyJournalDevelopment, Growth & Differentiation
EndodonticsJournalAustralian Endodontic Journal
EndodonticsJournalInternational Endodontic Journal
Engineering StatisticsJournalQuality and Reliability Engineering International
English LiteratureJournalMilton Quarterly
EntomologyJournalAgricultural and Forest Entomology
EntomologyJournalAustral Entomology
EntomologyJournalEcological Entomology
EntomologyJournalEntomologia Experimentalis et Applicata
EntomologyJournalEntomological Research
EntomologyJournalEntomological Science
EntomologyJournalInsect Conservation and Diversity
EntomologyJournalInsect Molecular Biology
EntomologyJournalInsect Science
EntomologyJournalJournal of Applied Entomology
EntomologyJournalPhysiological Entomology
EntomologyJournalSystematic Entomology
Environmental ChemistryJournalCLEAN ? Soil, Air, Water (Electronic)
Environmental EngineeringJournalEnvironmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
Environmental GeoscienceJournalLand Degradation and Development
Environmental Management, Policy & PlanningJournalEnvironmental Quality Management
Environmental Management, Policy & PlanningJournalRemediation
Environmental ScienceJournalJournal of the American Water Resources Association
Environmental ScienceJournalJournal of Industrial Ecology
Environmental Statistics & EnvironmetricsJournalEnvironmetrics
Esthetic DentistryJournalJournal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry
European LiteratureJournalGerman Life and Letters
EvolutionJournalEvolution and Development
EvolutionJournalJournal of Evolutionary Biology
EvolutionJournalJournal of Systematics and Evolution
EvolutionJournalMolecular Ecology
EvolutionJournalMolecular Ecology Resources
EvolutionJournalZoologica Scripta
Evolutionary BiologyJournalCladistics
Evolutionary BiologyJournalEvolution
Evolutionary BiologyJournalEvolutionary Anthropology
Experimental DesignJournalStatistics in Medicine
Failure FractureJournalFatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures
Family & Child Studies Special TopicsJournalNew Directions for Child and Adolescent Development
Family Studies GeneralJournalFamily & Consumer Sciences Research Journal
Family Studies GeneralJournalFamily Process
Family Studies GeneralJournalFamily Relations
Family Studies GeneralJournalJournal of Family Theory & Review
Family Studies GeneralJournalJournal of Marriage and Family
Family TherapyJournalAustralian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy
Family TherapyJournalJournal of Family Therapy (Electronic)
Family TherapyJournalJournal of Marital and Family Therapy
FeedJournalJournal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition
Fermented Foods & BeveragesJournalAustralian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
Financial AccountingJournalAccounting Perspectives
Financial AccountingJournalContemporary Accounting Research
Financial EconomicsJournalEconomic Notes
Financial EconomicsJournalJournal of Economics & Management Strategy
Financial EconomicsJournalReview of Financial Economics
Flavor, Perfume & Cosmetic ScienceJournalFlavour and Fragrance Journal
Food ChemistryJournalStarch - Stärke
Forensic PsychologyJournalBehavioral Sciences & The Law
Forensic ScienceJournalJournal of Forensic Sciences
Freshwater EcologyJournalInternational Review of Hydrobiology (Electronic)
Gender & HistoryJournalGender & History
Gender & PoliticsJournalSexuality, Gender & Policy
General & Introductory AccountingJournalAbacus
General & Introductory AccountingJournalAccounting & Finance
General & Introductory AccountingJournalAustralian Accounting Review
General & Introductory AgricultureJournalGrass & Forage Science
General & Introductory AgricultureJournalJournal of Agronomy and Crop Science
General & Introductory AnthropologyJournalAmerican Anthropologist
General & Introductory AnthropologyJournalAnthropology Today
General & Introductory AnthropologyJournalArchaeology in Oceania
General & Introductory AnthropologyJournalCity & Society
General & Introductory AnthropologyJournalGeneral Anthropology
General & Introductory AnthropologyJournalJournal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
General & Introductory AnthropologyJournalOceania
General & Introductory AnthropologyJournalSocial Anthropology (Electronic)
General & Introductory AnthropologyJournalThe Australian Journal of Anthropology
General & Introductory ArchaeologyJournalOxford Journal of Archaeology
General & Introductory ArchitectureJournalArchitectural Design
General & Introductory Business & ManagementJournalAsia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
General & Introductory Business & ManagementJournalGender, Work & Organisation
General & Introductory Business & ManagementJournalInternational Insolvency Review
General & Introductory Business & ManagementJournalInternational Journal of Tourism Research
General & Introductory Business & ManagementJournalJournal of Public Affairs
General & Introductory Business & ManagementJournalPerformance Improvement
General & Introductory Business & ManagementJournalR & D Management
General & Introductory Chemical EngineeringJournalAIChE Journal
General & Introductory Chemical EngineeringJournalChemical Engineering & Technology (CET) (Electronic)
General & Introductory Chemical EngineeringJournalChemie-Ingenieur-Technik (CIT) (Electronic)
General & Introductory Chemical EngineeringJournalJournal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology
General & Introductory Chemical EngineeringJournalThe Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering
General & Introductory ChemistryJournalAngewandte Chemie (Electronic)
General & Introductory ChemistryJournalAngewandte Chemie International Edition (Electronic)
General & Introductory ChemistryJournalChemie in unserer Zeit (CHIUZ) (Electronic)
General & Introductory ChemistryJournalChemistry - A European Journal (Electronic)
General & Introductory ChemistryJournalChemkon - Chemie konkret, Forum fuer Unterricht und Didaktik (Electronic)
General & Introductory ChemistryJournalChinese Journal of Chemistry (Electronic)
General & Introductory ChemistryJournalHelvetica Chimica Acta (Electronic)
General & Introductory ChemistryJournalPropellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics (Electronic)
General & Introductory ChemistryJournalThe Chemical Record
General & Introductory ChemistryJournalVietnam Journal of Chemistry
General & Introductory Civil Engineering & ConstructionJournalgeotechnik (Electronic)
General & Introductory Civil Engineering & ConstructionJournalBauphysik (Electronic)
General & Introductory Civil Engineering & ConstructionJournalBautechnik (Electronic)
General & Introductory Civil Engineering & ConstructionJournalBeton- und Stahlbetonbau (Electronic)
General & Introductory Civil Engineering & ConstructionJournalComputer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
General & Introductory Civil Engineering & ConstructionJournalFire and Materials
General & Introductory Civil Engineering & ConstructionJournalGeomechanics and Tunnelling
General & Introductory Civil Engineering & ConstructionJournalMauerwerk
General & Introductory Civil Engineering & ConstructionJournalStahlbau (Electronic)
General & Introductory Civil Engineering & ConstructionJournalSteel Construction (Electronic)
General & Introductory Computer ScienceJournalComputational Intelligence
General & Introductory Computer ScienceJournalComputer Applications In Engineering Education
General & Introductory Computer ScienceJournalJournal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
General & Introductory Computer ScienceJournalProceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalAfrica Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalAfrica Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalAfrican Development Review
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalBusiness Strategy and the Environment
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalCorporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalDevelopment and Change
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalDevelopment Policy Review
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalDisasters
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalEnvironmental Policy and Governance
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalInternational Migration
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalJournal of Agrarian Change (Electronic)
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalJournal of International Development
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalNatural Resources Forum
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalPublic Administration and Development
General & Introductory Development StudiesJournalSustainable Development
General & Introductory Earth SciencesJournalActa Geologica Sinica (English Edition)
General & Introductory Earth SciencesJournalArchaeological Prospection
General & Introductory Earth SciencesJournalGeology Today
General & Introductory Earth SciencesJournalWIREs Water (Electronic)
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalAsian Economic Journal
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalAsian Economic Policy Review
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalAsian-Pacific Economic Literature
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalAustralian Economic Papers
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalBulletin of Economic Research
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalCanadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalChina and World Economy
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalEconomic Affairs
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalEconomic Inquiry
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalEconomic Outlook (Electronic)
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalEconomic Papers
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalEconomic Record
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalEconomica
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalEconomics of Transition and Institutional Change
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalInternational Journal of Finance & Economics
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalJournal of Economic Surveys
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalJournal of Forecasting
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalKyklos
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalLabour
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalManagerial and Decision Economics
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalOxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalPacific Economic Review
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalReview of Income and Wealth
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalScottish Journal of Political Economy
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalSouthern Economic Journal
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalThe Australian Economic Review
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalThe Journal of Industrial Economics
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalThe Manchester School
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalThe Rand Journal of Economics
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalThe Scandinavian Journal of Economics (Electronic)
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalThe South African Journal of Economics
General & Introductory EconomicsJournalThe World Economy
General & Introductory EducationJournalBritish Educational Research Journal
General & Introductory EducationJournalEuropean Journal of Education
General & Introductory EducationJournalJournal of Computer Assisted Learning
General & Introductory EducationJournalReview of Education
General & Introductory Electrical & Electronics EngineeringJournalExpert Systems
General & Introductory Electrical & Electronics EngineeringJournalInternational Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications
General & Introductory Electrical & Electronics EngineeringJournalInternational Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields
General & Introductory Electrical & Electronics EngineeringJournalJournal of Field Robotics
General & Introductory Food Science & TechnologyJournalInternational Journal of Dairy Technology
General & Introductory Food Science & TechnologyJournalInternational Journal of Food Science & Technology
General & Introductory Food Science & TechnologyJournalJournal of the Institute of Brewing
General & Introductory Food Science & TechnologyJournalJournal of Food Biochemistry
General & Introductory Food Science & TechnologyJournalJournal of Food Process Engineering
General & Introductory Food Science & TechnologyJournalJournal of Food Processing and Preservation
General & Introductory Food Science & TechnologyJournalJournal of Food Safety
General & Introductory Food Science & TechnologyJournalJournal of Food Science
General & Introductory Food Science & TechnologyJournalJournal of Sensory Studies
General & Introductory Food Science & TechnologyJournalJournal of Texture Studies
General & Introductory Food Science & TechnologyJournalJournal of The Science of Food and Agriculture
General & Introductory Food Science & TechnologyJournalMolecular Nutrition & Food Research
General & Introductory GeographyJournalAntipode
General & Introductory GeographyJournalArea
General & Introductory GeographyJournalAsia Pacific Viewpoint
General & Introductory GeographyJournalBulletin of Latin American Research
General & Introductory GeographyJournalGeographical Research
General & Introductory GeographyJournalGeography Compass (Electronic)
General & Introductory GeographyJournalGlobal Networks
General & Introductory GeographyJournalNew Zealand Geographer
General & Introductory GeographyJournalPopulation, Space and Place
General & Introductory GeographyJournalRegional Science Policy & Practice
General & Introductory GeographyJournalSingapore Journal of Tropical Geography
General & Introductory GeographyJournalThe Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien
General & Introductory GeographyJournalThe Geographical Journal (Electronic)
General & Introductory GeographyJournalTijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie
General & Introductory GeographyJournalTransactions of the Institute of British Geographers
General & Introductory HistoryJournalHistory
General & Introductory HistoryJournalHistory and Theory
General & Introductory HistoryJournalHistory Compass (Electronic)
General & Introductory HistoryJournalJournal of The History of the Behavioral Sciences
General & Introductory LawJournalEuropean Law Journal
General & Introductory LawJournalJournal of Empirical Legal Studies
General & Introductory LawJournalJournal of Law and Society
General & Introductory LawJournalLaw & Policy
General & Introductory LawJournalLaw & Society Review
General & Introductory LawJournalRatio Juris
General & Introductory LawJournalReview of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law (RECIEL)
General & Introductory LawJournalThe Howard Journal of Crime and Justice .
General & Introductory LawJournalThe Journal of World Intellectual Property
General & Introductory LawJournalThe Modern Law Review
General & Introductory Life SciencesJournalAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences
General & Introductory Life SciencesJournalJournal of Morphology
General & Introductory LinguisticsJournalLanguage and Linguistics Compass (Electronic)
General & Introductory LinguisticsJournalStudia Linguistica
General & Introductory LinguisticsJournalTransactions of the Philological Society
General & Introductory Materials ScienceJournalAdvanced Functional Materials (Electronic)
General & Introductory Materials ScienceJournalAdvanced Materials (Electronic)
General & Introductory Materials ScienceJournalJournal of Vinyl & Additive Technology
General & Introductory Materials ScienceJournalMaterialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik (Electronic)
General & Introductory Materials ScienceJournalParticle & Particle Systems Characterization (Electronic)
General & Introductory MathematicsJournalGAMM - Mitteilungen (Electronic)
General & Introductory MathematicsJournalJournal of the London Mathematical Society
General & Introductory MathematicsJournalJournal of Combinatorial Designs
General & Introductory MathematicsJournalMathematische Nachrichten (Electronic)
General & Introductory MathematicsJournalProceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics (Electronic)
General & Introductory MathematicsJournalZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanic
General & Introductory Mechanical EngineeringJournalHeat Transfer
General & Introductory Mechanical EngineeringJournalHuman Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries
General & Introductory PhysicsJournalAnnalen der Physik (Electronic)
General & Introductory PhysicsJournalContributions to Plasma Physics (Electronic)
General & Introductory PhysicsJournalCrystal Research & Technology
General & Introductory PhysicsJournalFortschritte der Physik/Progress of Physics (Electronic)
General & Introductory PhysicsJournalPhysik in unserer Zeit (PHIUZ) (Electronic)
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalAmerican Journal of Political Science
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalAustralian Journal of Politics and History
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalAustralian Journal of Public Administration
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalConstellations
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalEuropean Journal of Political Research
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalEuropean Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalGlobal Policy
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalIPPR Progressive Review
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalJournal of Contingencies and Crisis Management
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalJCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalLegislative Studies Quarterly
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalNations and Nationalism
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalPacific Focus
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalPolitical Science Quarterly
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalPublic Administration
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalRegulation & Governance
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalScandinavian Political Studies
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalSocial Science Quarterly
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalStudies In Ethnicity and Nationalism
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalSwiss Political Science Review
General & Introductory Political ScienceJournalThe Political Quarterly
General & Introductory Religion & TheologyJournalInternational Review of Mission
General & Introductory Religion & TheologyJournalReligion Compass (Electronic)
General & Introductory Religion & TheologyJournalReviews In Religion & Theology
General & Introductory Religion & TheologyJournalTeaching Theology & Religion
General & Introductory Religion & TheologyJournalThe Ecumenical Review
General & Introductory Religion & TheologyJournalThe Heythrop Journal
General & Introductory Social Policy & WelfareJournalAustralian Journal of Social Issues
General & Introductory Social Policy & WelfareJournalSocial Policy & Administration
General & Introductory StatisticsJournalAustralian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
General & Introductory StatisticsJournalTeaching Statistics
General & Introductory Urban StudiesJournalInternational Journal of Urban and Regional Research
General & Introductory Veterinary MedicineJournalAustralian Veterinary Journal
General & Introductory Veterinary MedicineJournalJournal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
General & Introductory Veterinary MedicineJournalJournal of Veterinary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
General & Introductory Veterinary MedicineJournalReproduction In Domestic Animals
General & Introductory Veterinary MedicineJournalVeterinary and Comparative Oncology
General & Introductory Veterinary MedicineJournalVeterinary Clinical Pathology
General & Introductory Veterinary MedicineJournalVeterinary Ophthalmology
General & Introductory Veterinary MedicineJournalVeterinary Surgery
General Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish ScienceJournalAquaculture Nutrition
General Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish ScienceJournalAquaculture Research
General Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish ScienceJournalFish and Fisheries
General Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish ScienceJournalFisheries Management & Ecology
General Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish ScienceJournalFisheries Oceanography
General Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish ScienceJournalJournal of Applied Ichthyology
General Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish ScienceJournalJournal of Fish Biology
General Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish ScienceJournalJournal of Fish Diseases
General Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish ScienceJournalReviews In Aquaculture
General DentistryJournalAustralian Dental Journal
General DentistryJournalCommunity Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology
General EnergyJournalInternational Journal of Energy Research
General Finance & InvestmentsJournalAsia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies
General Finance & InvestmentsJournalFinancial Accountability & Management
General Finance & InvestmentsJournalFinancial Management
General Finance & InvestmentsJournalFinancial Markets, Institutions & Instruments
General Finance & InvestmentsJournalInternational Review of Finance
General Finance & InvestmentsJournalPublic Budgeting and Finance
General Finance & InvestmentsJournalThe Financial Review
General Finance & InvestmentsJournalThe Journal of Finance
General Finance & InvestmentsJournalThe Journal of Financial Research
General Finance & InvestmentsJournalThe Journal of Futures Markets
General LiteratureJournalCritical Quarterly
General LiteratureJournalLiterature Compass (Electronic)
General LiteratureJournalOrbis Litterarum
General PhilosophyJournalNoûs
General PhilosophyJournalPacific Philosophical Quarterly
General PhilosophyJournalPhilosophical Forum
General PhilosophyJournalPhilosophical Investigations
General PhilosophyJournalPhilosophical Issues
General PhilosophyJournalPhilosophical Perspectives
General PhilosophyJournalPhilosophy Compass (Electronic)
General PhilosophyJournalThe Southern Journal of Philosophy
General PhilosophyJournalTheoria
General PsychologyJournalBritish Journal of Psychology
General PsychologyJournalCounselling and Psychotherapy Research
General PsychologyJournalJournal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
General PsychologyJournalJournal of Community Psychology
General PsychologyJournalPolitical Psychology
General PsychologyJournalScandinavian Journal of Psychology
General SociologyJournalCanadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie
General SociologyJournalInternational Journal of Japanese Sociology
General SociologyJournalInternational Social Science Journal
General SociologyJournalRural Sociology
General SociologyJournalSociologia Ruralis
General SociologyJournalSociological Forum
General SociologyJournalSociological Inquiry
General SociologyJournalSociology Compass
General SociologyJournalSymbolic Interaction
General SociologyJournalThe British Journal of Sociology
Genomics & ProteomicsJournalJournal of Cellular Physiology
Geochemistry & MineralogyJournalGeostandards & Geoanalytical Research
Geochemistry & MineralogyJournalJournal of Metamorphic Geology
Geochemistry & MineralogyJournalMeteoritics & Planetary Science
Geographical Methodology & TechniquesJournalGeographical Analysis
Geology & GeophysicsJournalBasin Research
Geology & GeophysicsJournalGeological Journal
Geology & GeophysicsJournalGeophysical Prospecting
Geology & GeophysicsJournalIsland Arc
Geology & GeophysicsJournalTerra Nova
GeomorphologyJournalEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
GeomorphologyJournalPermafrost and Periglacial Processes
GIS & Remote SensingJournalThe Photogrammetric Record
GIS & Remote SensingJournalTransactions In GIS
Graph TheoryJournalJournal of Graph Theory
Groundwater & HydrogeologyJournalGroundwater
Groundwater & HydrogeologyJournalGroundwater Monitoring & Remediation
Higher Education GeneralJournalCampus Legal Advisor
Higher Education GeneralJournalCampus Security Report
Higher Education GeneralJournalCollege Athletics and the Law
Higher Education GeneralJournalDean & Provost
Higher Education GeneralJournalDisability Compliance for Higher Education
Higher Education GeneralJournalEnrollment Management Report
Higher Education GeneralJournalHigher Education Abstracts
Higher Education GeneralJournalHigher Education Quarterly
Higher Education GeneralJournalNew Directions for Higher Education
Higher Education GeneralJournalRecruiting & Retaining Adult Learners
Higher Education GeneralJournalStudent Affairs Today
Higher Education GeneralJournalThe Successful Registrar
Higher Education GeneralJournalWomen in Higher Education
History of ReligionJournalJournal of Religious History
History of Science & MedicineJournalCentaurus
Human BiologyJournalAmerican Journal of Human Biology
Human GeneticsJournalAnnals of Human Genetics
Human GeneticsJournalGenetic Epidemiology
Human GeneticsJournalHuman Mutation
Human Resource ManagementJournalHuman Resource Management
Human Resource ManagementJournalHuman Resource Management Journal
Human Resource ManagementJournalInternational Journal of Selection and Assessment
Hydrological SciencesJournalEcohydrology
Hydrological SciencesJournalHydrological Processes
Hydrological SciencesJournalRiver Research and Applications
ImmunologyJournalEuropean Journal of Immunology (Electronic)
Implant DentistryJournalClinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research
Implant DentistryJournalClinical Oral Implants Research
Industrial & Labor RelationsJournalBritish Journal of Industrial Relations
Industrial & Labor RelationsJournalIndustrial Relations
Industrial & Labor RelationsJournalIndustrial Relations Journal
Industrial ChemistryJournalColor Research & Application
InfancyJournalInfant Mental Health Journal
Information & Library ScienceJournalInformation Systems Journal
Information TechnologiesJournalInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems
Inorganic ChemistryJournalEuropean Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Electronic)
Inorganic ChemistryJournalZeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie
Institutional & Corporate FinanceJournalEuropean Financial Management
Institutional & Corporate FinanceJournalStrategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance
Insurance & Risk ManagementJournalJournal of Risk and Insurance
Insurance & Risk ManagementJournalRisk Management and Insurance Review
Intellectual DisabilityJournalJournal of Policy and Practice In Intellectual Disabilities
Interior DesignJournalJournal of Interior Design
International Economics & TradeJournalInternational Economic Review
International FinanceJournalInternational Finance
International FinanceJournalJournal of International Financial Management & Accounting
International FinanceJournalReview of International Economics
International ManagementJournalGlobal Business and Organizational Excellence
International ManagementJournalInternational Journal of Management Reviews
International ManagementJournalThunderbird International Business Review
Introductory MarketingJournalJournal of Consumer Affairs
Introductory MarketingJournalPsychology & Marketing
IslamJournalThe Muslim World
Lab Automation & MiniaturizationJournalJournal of Chemometrics
Labor & Demographic EconomicsJournalInternational Labour Review
Labor & Demographic EconomicsJournalRevista Internacional del Trabajo
Labor & Demographic EconomicsJournalRevue Internationale du Travail
Latin- & Meso-American AnthropologyJournalJournal of Latin American & Caribbean Anthropology
Latin American PoliticsJournalLatin American Policy
Leadership, Administration & Policy (Higher Education)JournalThe Department Chair
Learning DisabilitiesJournalLearning Disabilities Research & Practice
Linear AlgebraJournalNumerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Linguistic AnthropologyJournalJournal of Linguistic Anthropology
Linguistic AnthropologyJournalJournal of Sociolinguistics
Literacy & ReadingJournalJournal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
Literacy & ReadingJournalJournal of Research In Reading
Literacy & ReadingJournalLiteracy
Literacy & ReadingJournalReading Research Quarterly
Literacy & ReadingJournalThe Reading Teacher
Logic & FoundationsJournalMathematical Logic Quarterly
MacroeconomicsJournalJournal of Money, Credit and Banking
ManagementJournalBritish Journal of Management (Electronic)
ManagementJournalCanadian Journal of Administrative Sciences Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration
ManagementJournalJournal of Business Logistics
ManagementJournalJournal of Management Studies
ManagementJournalSystem Dynamics Review
ManagementJournalSystems Research & Behavioral Science
Management / LeadershipJournalNonprofit Management & Leadership
Management Science/Operational ResearchJournalIntelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management
Management Science/Operational ResearchJournalInternational Transactions In Operational Research
Marketing & SalesJournalInternational Journal of Consumer Studies
Mass SpectrometryJournalJournal of Mass Spectrometry (Incorp Biological Mass Spectrometry)
Mass SpectrometryJournalMass Spectrometry Reviews
Mass SpectrometryJournalRapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
Materials CharacterizationJournalStrain
Mathematical ModelingJournalMathematical Methods in The Applied Sciences
Mathematical ModelingJournalRisk Analysis
Medical AnthropologyJournalMedical Anthropology Quarterly
Medical GeneticsJournalAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics Part A
Medical GeneticsJournalAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics
Medical GeneticsJournalAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics
Medical GeneticsJournalBirth Defects Research
Medieval History (500-1500)JournalEarly Medieval Europe
Methods - Synthesis & TechniquesJournalJournal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals
Microbial EcologyJournalEnvironmental Microbiology
Microbial EcologyJournalEnvironmental Microbiology Reports
MicrobiologyJournalJournal of Basic Microbiology (Electronic)
MicrobiologyJournalThe Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology
Microbiology & VirologyJournalMicrobiology and Immunology
Microbiology & VirologyJournalYeast
Microbiology & VirologyJournalZoonoses and Public Health
MicroscopyJournalJournal of Microscopy
MicroscopyJournalMicroscopy Research and Technique
Middle & Near Eastern ArchaeologyJournalArabian Archaeology and Epigraphy
Middle Eastern PoliticsJournalDigest of Middle East Studies
Middle Eastern PoliticsJournalMiddle East Policy
Modern & World EnglishJournalWorld Englishes
Modern British HistoryJournalParliamentary History
Modern History (1780-1900)JournalJournal For Eighteenth-Century Studies
Molecular MicrobiologyJournalMolecular Microbiology
Money & BankingJournalWorld Banking Abstracts
Museum & Heritage StudiesJournalCurator The Museum Journal
MusicJournalMusic Analysis
Negotiation & Conflict ResolutionJournalConflict Resolution Quarterly
Negotiation & Conflict ResolutionJournalNegotiation Journal
NeuroscienceJournalDevelopmental Neurobiology
NeuroscienceJournalGenes, Brain and Behavior
NeuroscienceJournalJournal of Neuroscience Research
NeurosystemsJournalThe Journal of Comparative Neurology
NMR Spectroscopy / MRI / ImagingJournalMagnetic Resonance in Chemistry
NMR Spectroscopy / MRI / ImagingJournalNMR in Biomedicine
Non-Profit Organizations / LawJournalFederal Grants & Contracts
Non-Profit Organizations / LawJournalNonprofit Business Advisor
Non-Profit Organizations / Management LeadershipJournalLeader to Leader
Non-Profit Organizations / Marketing & CommunicationsJournalInternational Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing
North American AnthropologyJournalAnnals of Anthropological Practice
North American AnthropologyJournalJournal for the Anthropology of North America .
Oil & Energy EconomicsJournalClimate and Energy
Oil & Energy EconomicsJournalOil and Energy Trends
Oil & Energy EconomicsJournalOPEC Energy Review
Oils & FatsJournalEuropean Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (Electronic)
Oils & FatsJournalLipids
Oral BiologyJournalMolecular Oral Microbiology
Oral Sciences & TechnologyJournalEuropean Journal of Oral Sciences
Organic ChemistryJournalApplied Organometallic Chemistry
Organic ChemistryJournalChirality
Organic ChemistryJournalEuropean Journal of Organic Chemistry (Electronic)
Organization & Management TheoryJournalJournal of Leadership Studies
Organizational & Industrial PsychologyJournalPersonnel Psychology
Organizational BehaviorJournalJournal of Organizational Behavior
Organizational DevelopmentJournalKnowledge and Process Management
OrnithologyJournalJournal of Avian Biology
OrthodonticsJournalOrthodontics & Craniofacial Research
Paints, Pigments, Coatings, DyesJournalColoration Technology
Paleontology, Paleobiology & GeobiologyJournalGeobiology
Paleontology, Paleobiology & GeobiologyJournalLethaia
Paleontology, Paleobiology & GeobiologyJournalPalaeontology
Paleontology, Paleobiology & GeobiologyJournalPapers in Palaeontology
Pediatric DentistryJournalInternational Journal of Paediatric Dentistry
PeriodontologyJournalJournal of Clinical Periodontology
PeriodontologyJournalJournal of Periodontal Research
PeriodontologyJournalPeriodontology 2000
Personality & Individual DifferencesJournalJournal of Personality
Pests, Diseases & WeedsJournalPest Management Science
Pests, Diseases & WeedsJournalWeed Biology and Management
Pests, Diseases & WeedsJournalWeed Research
Pharmaceutical & Medicinal ChemistryJournalArchiv der Pharmazie (Electronic)
Pharmaceutical & Medicinal ChemistryJournalChemistry & Biodiversity (Electronic)
Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical MedicineJournalDrug Development Research
PhenomenologyJournalPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research
Philosophy of EducationJournalJournal of Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of MindJournalMind & Language
PhycologyJournalJournal of Phycology
PhycologyJournalPhycological Research
Physical Organic ChemistryJournalJournal of Physical Organic Chemistry
Plant DevelopmentJournalPlant Breeding
Plant EcologyJournalJournal of Ecology
Plant PathologyJournalForest Pathology
Plant PathologyJournalJournal of Phytopathology
Plant ScienceJournalAmerican Journal of Botany
Plant ScienceJournalAnnals of Applied Biology
Plant ScienceJournalCurtis's Botanical Magazine
Plant ScienceJournalEppo Bulletin
Plant ScienceJournalFeddes Repertorium (Electronic)
Plant ScienceJournalJournal of Integrative Plant Biology
Plant ScienceJournalNew Phytologist
Plant ScienceJournalNordic Journal of Botany
Plant ScienceJournalPhysiologia Plantarum
Plant ScienceJournalPlant Biology
Plant ScienceJournalPlant Cell & Environment
Plant ScienceJournalPlant Pathology
Plant ScienceJournalPlant Species Biology
Plant ScienceJournalThe Plant Journal
Political & Economic PhilosophyJournalThe Journal of Political Philosophy
Political EconomicsJournalEconomics & Politics
Political Science Special TopicsJournalEuropean Policy Analysis
Political SociologyJournalJournal of Historical Sociology
Polymer processingJournalPolymers for Advanced Technologies
Polymer Science & Technology GeneralJournalJournal of Applied Polymer Science
Polymer Science & Technology GeneralJournalJournal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A
Polymer Science & Technology GeneralJournalMacromolecular Bioscience (Electronic)
Polymer Science & Technology GeneralJournalMacromolecular Chemistry and Physics (Electronic)
Polymer Science & Technology GeneralJournalMacromolecular Materials and Engineering
Polymer Science & Technology GeneralJournalMacromolecular Rapid Communications (Electronic)
Polymer Science & Technology GeneralJournalMacromolecular Symposia (Electronic)
Polymer Science & Technology GeneralJournalMacromolecular Theory and Simulations (Electronic)
Polymer Science & Technology GeneralJournalPlasma Processes and Polymers (Electronic)
Polymer Science & Technology GeneralJournalPolymer Engineering & Science
Polymer Science & Technology GeneralJournalPolymer International
Polymer SynthesisJournalJournal of Polymer Science
Popular CultureJournalThe Journal of Popular Culture
Popular Interest StatisticsJournalSignificance
Population & Community EcologyJournalRestoration Ecology
Population & DemographyJournalPerspectives On Sexual and Reproductive Health
Population & DemographyJournalPopulation and Development Review
Population & DemographyJournalStudies In Family Planning
Power Technology & Power EngineeringJournalElectrical Engineering in Japan
Probability & Mathematical StatisticsJournalJournal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) (Electronic)
Probability & Mathematical StatisticsJournalStatistica Neerlandica
Process DevelopmentJournalBerichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Electronic)
Process SafetyJournalProcess Safety Progress
Production Operations ManagementJournalJournal of Supply Chain Management
Production Operations ManagementJournalProduction and Operations Management
Programming & Software DevelopmentJournalConcurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
Programming & Software DevelopmentJournalJournal of Software: Evolution and Process
Programming & Software DevelopmentJournalSoftware: Practice and Experience
Property & Real EstateJournalReal Estate Economics
ProsthodonticsJournalJournal of Prosthodontics
Protein ScienceJournalProteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics
PsychoanalysisJournalInternational Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies
Psychotherapy & CounselingJournalCounseling and Values
Psychotherapy & CounselingJournalJournal of Analytical Psychology
Psychotherapy & CounselingJournalJournal of College Counseling
Psychotherapy & CounselingJournalPsychotherapy and Politics International
Public AdministrationJournalCanadian Public Administration/Administration Publique du Canada
Public AdministrationJournalGovernance
Public AdministrationJournalJournal of Policy Analysis and Management
Public AdministrationJournalPublic Administration Review
Public EconomicsJournalAnnals of Public and Cooperative Economics
Public EconomicsJournalContemporary Economic Policy
Public EconomicsJournalFiscal Studies
Public EconomicsJournalJournal of Public Economic Theory
Public Policy & AdministrationJournalPolicy & Internet (Electronic)
Public Policy & AdministrationJournalPolicy Studies Journal
Public Policy & AdministrationJournalPolitics & Policy
Public Policy & AdministrationJournalPoverty & Public Policy (Electronic)
Public Policy & AdministrationJournalReview of Policy Research
Public Policy & AdministrationJournalRisk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy (Electronic)
Public Policy & AdministrationJournalWorld Food Policy
Public Policy & AdministrationJournalWorld Medical & Health Policy (Electronic)
Public Policy & AdministrationJournalWorld Water Policy
Quantum ChemistryJournalInternational Journal of Quantum Chemistry
Quaternary Science & GlaciologyJournalBoreas
Quaternary Science & GlaciologyJournalJournal of Quaternary Science
Reading & DyslexiaJournalDyslexia
Regional GeographyJournalPapers In Regional Science
Regional StudiesJournalGrowth and Change
Regional StudiesJournalJournal of Regional Science
Religion & ScienceJournalZygon® Journal of Religion and Science
Religious EthicsJournalJournal of Religious Ethics
Religious StudiesJournalReligious Studies Review
Renaissance HistoryJournalRenaissance Studies
Restorative DentistryJournalJournal of Oral Rehabilitation
Satellite CommunicationsJournalInternational Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking
ScienceJournalJournal of Research in Science Teaching
ScienceJournalSchool Science and Mathematics
ScienceJournalScience Education
Sedimentology & StratigraphyJournalSedimentology
Small Business & EntrepreneurshipJournalStrategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Social & Cultural AnthropologyJournalAnthropology & Education Quarterly
Social & Cultural AnthropologyJournalEthos
Social PhilosophyJournalJournal of Social Philosophy
Social PhilosophyJournalPhilosophy and Public Affairs
Social PsychologyJournalAnalyses of Social Issues & Public Policy
Social PsychologyJournalAsian Journal of Social Psychology
Social PsychologyJournalBritish Journal of Social Psychology
Social PsychologyJournalEuropean Journal of Social Psychology
Social PsychologyJournalJournal for the Theory of Social Behaviour
Social PsychologyJournalJournal of Social Issues
Social PsychologyJournalPersonal Relationships
Social PsychologyJournalSocial and Personality Psychology Compass
Social PsychologyJournalSocial Issues and Policy Review
Social WelfareJournalInternational Journal of Social Welfare
Social WorkJournalAsian Social Work and Policy Review
Social WorkJournalInternational Social Security Review
Sociology of Health & IllnessJournalSociology of Health & Illness
Sociology of ReligionJournalJournal for the Scientific Study of Religion
SoilJournalJournal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
Soil Science & GeoarchaeologyJournalEuropean Journal of Soil Science
Soil Science & GeoarchaeologyJournalGeoarchaeology
Soil Science & GeoarchaeologyJournalSoil Use and Management
Solar Energy & PhotovoltaicsJournalProgress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications
Solid State PhysicsJournalphysica status solidi (a) applications and materials science (Electronic)
Solid State PhysicsJournalphysica status solidi (b) basic solid state physics
Special Educational NeedsJournalBritish Journal of Special Education
Special Educational NeedsJournalJournal of Research in Special Educational Needs
Special Educational NeedsJournalSupport for Learning
SpectroscopyJournalJournal of Raman Spectroscopy
SpectroscopyJournalX-Ray Spectrometry
Speech ScienceJournalInternational Journal of Language & Communication Disorders
Strategic ManagementJournalGlobal Strategy Journal
Strategic ManagementJournalStrategic Management Journal
Structural & Building EngineeringJournalEarthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
Structural & Building EngineeringJournalStructural Control and Health Monitoring
Structural & Building EngineeringJournalThe Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings
Student Affairs & Development (Higher Education)JournalNew Directions for Student Leadership
Student Services & Counseling (Higher Education)JournalNew Directions for Student Services
Survey Research Methods & SamplingJournalNew Directions for Evaluation
Systematic TheologyJournalInternational Journal of Systematic Theology
Systems Engineering & ManagementJournalSystems Engineering
Teaching & Learning (Higher Education)JournalNew Directions for Teaching and Learning
Teaching & Learning (Higher Education)JournalThe National Teaching & Learning Forum
Technology & Education (K-12)JournalBritish Journal of Educational Technology
TheologyJournalNew Blackfriars
Theory of EducationJournalEducational Theory
Thin Films, Surfaces & InterfacesJournalSurface and Interface Analysis
Thin Films, Surfaces & InterfacesJournalVakuum in Forschung und Praxis (Electronic)
Time SeriesJournalJournal of Time Series Analysis
ToxicologyJournalEnvironmental Toxicology
ToxicologyJournalJournal of Applied Toxicology
ToxicologyJournalJournal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology
Training & DevelopmentJournalInternational Journal of Training and Development
Training & DevelopmentJournalNew Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development (Electronic)
Training & Human Resource Development / Coaching & MentoringJournalHuman Resource Development Quarterly
Training & Human Resource Development / Performance ImprovementJournalPerformance Improvement Quarterly
Tropical EcologyJournalBiotropica
US HistoryJournalJournal of Supreme Court History
Veterinary DermatologyJournalVeterinary Dermatology
Veterinary ImagingJournalVeterinary Radiology & Ultrasound
Veterinary Medicine - EquineJournalEquine Veterinary Education
Veterinary Medicine - EquineJournalEquine Veterinary Journal
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Visualization & Computer GraphicsJournalComputer Graphics Forum
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Water Resource ManagementJournalWater and Environment Journal




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